Tuesday, October 14, 2008

First and Second

Wade and I originally planned to wait until 12 weeks to share our wonderful news about our first baby, but as those first few weeks continued my morning sickness strengthened. So we had to tell our family, friends, and work earlier than planned (around 8 weeks). Everyone was very excited and could not wait to meet this little one. Our first few appointments were carefree and typical. We saw an embryo, then a heartbeat, and all of the first kicks and punches. Our due date was June 10, so that meant I could easily get through the year teaching my newest third grade class. My students were thrilled and immediately started calling this little one 'Peanut', because of the way he appeared on the ultrasound pictures. We were relieved to make it through the first trimester. Naturally we assumed the chances of losing this baby early were gone, and we were home-free.

We were surprised to hear in those following weeks that so many other friends and co-workers were also expecting. Wade and I started making a list of the people we knew and that quickly grew close to twenty. We were excited about the little friends that our baby would have one day.

The second trimester started and all was good. I was thrilled when I felt this baby for the first few times. It was incredible. It felt like a pulse to me or maybe a pop. I never had butterflies; I still don't know what that means. This baby would pop or turn frequently, and our bond continued to strengthen. I always felt bad for Wade, because I knew he also wanted to feel our sweet baby.

At the twenty week ultrasound, the baby was developing beautifully, and no concerns were raised about my health. Wade and I decided at that ultrasound to not find out the sex of the baby. The technician covered up the lower half of the baby, and the sex remained a mystery. . . .until later that afternoon when we watched the video of the ultrasound at home. We quickly found out that the video did show all of the lower half of the baby, and it pretty much looked like a boy to us. It was obvious! After another confirmation from an ultrasound tech, we celebrated the news of a healthy baby boy. I had always wanted that surprise moment of finding out the sex at birth. However, I was a little relieved to find out during my pregnancy, because it gave me a chance to start bonding with my son in a whole new way. . . plus all of the conveniences of picking out boy items ahead of time.

Soon after that appointment, Wade experienced his first kick from our son. I will always remember that night. He had joked about hearing the baby's heartbeat through my belly and feeling him kick, but I knew that he hadn't really felt him yet. However, one weekday night, we were all settling into bed, and Wade put his hand on my lower belly. The baby kicked, and we both felt him at the same time. It was truly special. I felt him from the inside, and Wade could finally feel him on the outside. It was a wonderful night and many sweet dreams followed.

Towards the end of my second trimester, I started to get some form of a cold which was annoying but nothing too surprising considering all that was going around the community and school. I tried to get more sleep and take it easy during those next few weeks.

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