Monday, October 27, 2008


In the middle of such a horrific tragedy, there was a little comedy. I was in labor and did have an epidural to ease the pain. (I say all of this because some people don't understand that I actually went through the whole labor process--contractions, pressure, waiting, etc.) One annoying side effect of epidurals is that they can be a little uneven. That was particularly annoying to me, because I had one leg (I think it was my right one.) that was extremely numb and the other one still had a little feeling (which I liked). Of course, you don't want to feel the pain, but knowing that your leg is still alive is a comforting feeling.
After many hours, the dads went home to rest for a little while, and our moms tried to get settled in another room down the hall. The nurses encouraged me to try and get a little rest, so Wade rested on the built-in sofa area. However, my right leg and its numbness were killing me. I kept trying to bump or hit it to feel something. It was driving me nuts.
After a few frustrating minutes, I decided to call for the nurses to see if they could help me get comfortable. They brought more pillows in and tried to elevate my leg, since I had to rest on my side. I thought this repositioning would help, so I told them it felt better. In all of the commotion, Wade resumed his position by my side and was ready to help.
Minutes after the nurses left, I confessed to him that my leg was still really annoying me. So I got him to move it for me. Lifting and bending it felt wonderful. He did that for awhile. Then he stacked the pillows up again in between my legs and sat down next to me. I still wasn't satisfied. I wanted the problem resolved. So he went through the exercises again, but this time I insisted he lift my leg up and down. However, I was starting to get annoyed with my dear husband because he wasn't lifting my leg high enough. He insisted that my leg couldn't go any further. I didn't believe him.
Then my mother entered the room to see how I was doing. So Wade gladly handed this leg duty off to my mom. She went through the same procedures as Wade, and unfortunately the outcome was the same. She couldn't lift my leg high enough either. I was really annoyed with both of them at this point, especially when they started to laugh at me. They said it was because they had lifted my leg up as high as it could possibly go. Plus, I was saying funny things like, "You guys just don't know how to do it. If I could do it myself, I would show you."
After an hour or so of fighting over whether they were lifting my leg high enough or positioning it correctly, I finally got settled. As we reflect back on that night, it definitely was a funny moment shared between the three of us. Weeks later we all enjoyed retelling that story and sharing some good laughs over it. I believe God likes to do that- insert some comedic relief into our lives, especially when we need it the most.

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